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Nice little timewaster, also nice I could just put something on my spacebar while cooking dinner ;-) Is there anything after you buy the 3 machines on Level 25?

me when the game does not autosave: well, it was fun while it lasted


Auto clickers are out, we have auto jumpers instead! XD


It's a little slow near the end because the level up button scales massively.

Ajusta un poco la sensibilidad, buen juego !!!

Game not loading. Firefox.

still waiting on run dependencies: index.js:54796:18

dependency: wasm-instantiate index.js:54796:18

(end of list) index.js:54796:18

you can download i

This button is inaccessible after the first upgrade, it stays up there :D 

Otherwise, very nice concept!


oh, my bad, you can buy this update once